Wednesday, September 28, 2005

A+ Teacher, C- in Obedience

Since I started college I wanted to be an elementary school teacher. Anytime anyone would ask me what else I would want to do... I already knew. I would teach!

I didn't want to though because they did not make enough money. So, I have gone round and round with my major. I kept changing it to make the most amount of money that I could, with spending the least amount of time in school.

Well, I'm going to be making a less amount of money and I'm spending an extra two years in school because I wouldn't obey God first. I was so concerned with money, a large house, etc etc. But God was like "HOLLY! Do what makes you happy, I want you to teach, I will provide!" I was like hey, God is going to provide! If I'm a nurse, I'm not providing for my family God is. He is going to meet my needs, I just need to obey.

And I know deep within my heart, even when I'm scared if I obey and stay within God's Will, that is where I am going to be the happiest.

So in conclusion, I'm going to be an elementary school teacher! I am so thrilled! I saw a little apple timer in a catalog, and I got so excited. I see little children about 1st graders, oh it just makes me grin from ear to ear!

Until God tells me otherwise, a teaching degree is what I am pursuing.

Obey the first time otherwise you're going to end up like me and the Isrealites wondering around for extra years wasting time that could have been avoided, not to mention all this time you could have been enjoying God's promised land!


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