Thursday, September 15, 2005

to mothers who speak bluntly to their children

it's easy for me to get my feelings hurt. and even easier right now. i'm a girl with a broken heart and a lot of hope. i have a list of the perfect man. and yes, i too wonder if lesile ludy took the last good one. my list is extensive, specfic, and perfect. i didn't tell my mom details of my list, i just told her what i just told you. it's going to be hard for a guy to meet my expectations. i was telling her about how wonderful i expect him to be. she told me "good luck." i cried. i mean, my mom said that to me! she shattered my dream for a few hours until she apolgized. it is really hard to believe GOD still has a few of HIS "warrior poets" left. some days are harder than others. so mom's: be encouraging to your daughter's dream. my mom understands now. we had a talk, and she is glad my heart can hope that much. i want her later to be proud that my heart could trust that much. trust is a lot of the problem. and let me tell you if i'm trusting... it's not me. it's GOD giving me the strength, hope and courage to trust in HIM.


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