Friday, September 23, 2005

God's Protection and His Microbiology Lesson

God desires purity in our lives. Not just sexual purity, but purity in all aspects of our lives.

But the microbiology lesson was on sexual purity. God doesn't want us to just guard our "technical" virginity, but even our kisses! Besides kisses leading to other things, our kisses are sacred. If our heart is part of these kisses, it is a sign of our affection. But He wants our affections to be completely on Him, and when He gives us "the one" then we are allowed to place some of our affections and kisses on our husband.

God wants us to gaurd the sacred parts of our inner being not to make us prudish or so we can't have "fun," but so we don't get hurt, whether is be our heart, emotionally or physically.

Now for the biology aspect. I always assumed, in my lack of knowledge, that you get cold sores if you kiss someone with a cold sore at that time. But--that is not the case. Cold sores are a strain of a the herpes virus, which lays latent in nerve cells until activated by stress, fever, or a cold. Well, this virus is passed through saliva. So even if there is no evidence of a cold sore, it doesn't mean they can't pass those little skin erupting pest along. God can speak to us anywhere, even in class. I was listening to this lecture, and my God was telling me, "Yes, Holly even your kisses. Keep them for now." Save your kisses for the one who is worthy of them!


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