Let there be a crushing death to self.
I'm terrified; I don't know what it will look like.
What do I give up? What do I throw off? What do I lose?
I want to go fast. I want to go at Your pace.
I want to give my passion for your mission.
How can I give my life to fulfill Your will?
"However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me-- the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace."
Moments I let slip by. Regret. Days I have let slip by. Heartbreak. Years that I have chosen the wrong path. I'm "empty handed but alive in Your hands." Speechless.
Lord, let the wrestling stop. There's moments the butterflies flutter, the blood rushes through my veins, and I hear the Holy Spirit loud and clear, yet so gentle. How can I sit there and say "No, I'm too scared?"
The God of the Universe lives in me. Jesus Christ, the Son of God with nail scared hands lives in me, is living through me.
For Your glory I have to start saying yes. Help me say yes.
Dwell richly and live lively in me.
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