status pt. 2
The God I am myself around. When it comes to acting like me, I am broken down before God. He definitely sees me. Plus, He's the only one who sees into my heart.
The God I crack up with. Seriously I make jokes to God, and I think He laughs.
The God I don't mind singing in front of. Yeah, I sing loud in my car, my room or at church.
The God who wrestles with me. Okay, so not physically, and maybe it's been me who has done the wrestling, but I know He didn't quit.
The God who puts me to sleep. He's the last one I speak to.
The God who listens to my many, many problems. He hears them all because it's where I run first. He hears them basically all day, every day.
The God who says I look pretty even when I know at the moment I don't. He subtly reminds me that I am His, created in His image and that is all that counts.
The God who waited for me. He did not give up on me. He has been ever so patient with me.
The God who tells me the truth. He has given me the only Truth! And He has revealed truths inside me that I haven't wanted to face.
The God who gives the best bear hugs. He did have His arms open wide on the cross.
The God who encourages me.
The God who comforts me. He does it with the Holy Spirit, His words, my family and friends.
The God who forgives and forgives and forgives me. And who is going to keep forgiving me without cease.
The God who is patient with me. He's been patient for 21 years.
The God who keeps me safe.
He's also the God that I had hung on the cross. He was bearing all of my sin and my death. And He was separated from His Father. There's no greater hurt than that.
The God who I couldn't lie to because He already knew, but the God I tried to hide from (not possible either).
The God to whom I did things that are forgiven but irreversible.
The God I finally realized I can not live without otherwise I'm really going to die.
The God I have said repeatedly I'm sorry too.
The God who has given me grace and shown me mercy and allows me to start over with Him.
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