Friday, November 18, 2005


i've had a lot on my mind lately. i don't think i can even write it all down right here, right now because i have to get to class soon.

but a major excitement in my life is i'm getting baptized again. i was baptized when i was seven. i barely remember it; i do know that i have the certificate. but this time it means more. i understand the reasoning more. i was extremely nervous just to tell someone. i've been thinking about it for a long time now. finally, i was like it's about GOD and not me anyhow. and who isn't going to be happy that i want this? a lady who is like my mom's age even told me that she was scared, so her and her son did it together. and she had been saved most of her life. so that was a helpful little nudge in the right direction.

my life has been a whirlwind of being half-heartedly obedient or giving none at all. finally for once in my life, i see light at the end of the tunnel, and i know i am going to live for CHRIST forever. there's a difference in my heart. a difference in my understanding, in my past, in my need, in my wants, in my desires, in my hopes, and my dreams are changing too. there's a passion inside of me, and my heartbeat is beginning to beat with GOD'S. so much closer.

i know baptism is a call to obedience. and it's an outward sign to other's, a declartion. but within me, for the first time i'm believing that i am completely forgiven. i'm not buying into satan's whispers that i can't be, or that my past is too bad. slowly but surely i'm learning to listen to GOD'S voice speaking to me. it drowns out satans. i want it for myself, so it will be physical motion. so when i think on something in the past, something that was or something that can't be, i can remember the feel of the water, remember what the pastor said, remember standing right underneath the CROSS, and remember what GOD says. but most of all i want it to show HIM i believe YOU, i trust YOU, i love YOU, here i am. and thank YOU for forgiving me.


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