Thursday, February 23, 2006

.. red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight..."

Wednesday I started the first of my many practicums. I absolutely loved it. Children are so wonderful! I'm working with 3rd, 4th and 5th graders, which is actually kind of odd because I want to work with 1st, 2nd or 3rd graders. I'm working in a school that isn't the best of a neighborhood. It was so sad. Mrs. Jowers was telling me about some of the students not getting help with their homework; the parents just don't take any interest. And some of them were really dirty. But then I think, this is an opportunity God has given me to love on these children as He would. I have to love on them like He does because He lives in me, and has always loved me even though I'm "stained with dirt." It's so awesome how they look up to you because you're "big," but I don't want them to look up to me because of Holly. I want them to look up to me because they see Someone who loves them, because they see some sort of Light, maybe nothing they have ever seen before. I pray that Jesus is heard through my mouth, shown in my actions, and felt in my hugs.


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